[INRAD] POP in rx on cw

PERRY BAKER thkpqb at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 16 14:37:37 CST 2006


  I have an FT1000mp field 
I have the inrad 703c filter in narl spot  along
with the stock 500 filter in the 8.2 if 

  when transmitting  cw  and goes back to rx  I
get a pot in the receiver.
  If I take the 703c filter out and put in any
other filters ( I have a 714c  and the stock 
collins 500  I dont get this to happen 

 and   If  I  put the 703c  in the subreceiver 
it  seems ok also

  of if I Put it in the 250 hz slot  it seems  ok

Only when its in the  Nar1 slot  do I get a pop 
or thump when the rx comes back on 

anyone have any Ideas ?

Perry WA8THK

Perry   WA8THK 
Gaines Michigan

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