[INRAD] Yaesu FT-847 2.1 Khz SSB Filter & AM tx distortion

roger sturtevant ve1sky at canada.com
Mon Jan 30 09:13:58 CST 2006

Hello all,

I have installed a 2.1 KHz INRAD SSB RX filter in my FT 847
according to instruction.  So far, I have generally been
pleased with the results on SSB.  The selectivity is
certainly improved.  For the purposes of information to this
list, I have experienced a couple of byproducts that I will

When tuning manually there is noise generated as I use the
radio's large tuning knob.  As soon as I stop tuning, the
slight 'buzzing noise' stops.  Although this is not serious,
it is a product of the installation that is unwanted.

More serious is a situation that has caused the transmission
of AM signals to be distorted.  I participate in an AM Net
each week and after installing the RX filter, I got reports
of distortion on AM.  Apparently the USB portion of the
signal was present, but the LSB portion was nearly absent. 
AM RX is narrower but acceptable to me. 

Does anyone have thoughts or experience with this and better
yet a proven fix?

Roger VE1SKY

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