[INRAD] Installation of the Inrad Roofing Filter in the Icom IC-775DSP

Hans Remeeus hans at remeeus.nl
Wed Jan 18 15:17:01 CST 2006


A few days ago I installed the Inrad Roofing Filter Mod into the Icom 

An installation instruction (by courtesy of George W2VJN from Inrad) 
with photographs, personal advise and plot you may find on:


The improvement in first IF selectivity is dramatic. The result of this 
bandwidth improvement is the reduction of close-in intermodulation from 
multiple signals.

As you get into crowded band situations you will notice there are more 
open spaces in the SSB-band and less burps and beeps on CW from strong 


Hans Remeeus (PA1HR)
Communication is about people, the rest is technology.

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